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Information Technology Blog
by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Kaspersky First Again

April 4, 2019

Let’s get it on the table right up front. I am a big fan of Kaspersky products. Kaspersky consistently ranks high by independent testing firms for its security products. Our own government has banned Kaspersky products for its use, but still doesn’t have any proof of it being associated with the Russian government’s actions. You can’t deny the effectiveness of Kaspersky products and its top notch research team.

Once again, Kaspersky is first to market. CNET has reported that Kaspersky will “start flagging stalkerware as malicious, and warn people through its Android app when stalkerware is installed on their phones. In 2018 Kaspersky Lab detected stalkerware on 58,487 mobile devices.” We used to see a lot of spyware products installed on smartphones, but that has fallen off over the years. Even so, it’s a good thing that any installation of “stalking” software will now get flagged.

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