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by John W. Simek, Vice President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

No Genius Employees at Comcast

March 6, 2019

It is just amazing that examples of common sense are fewer and far between. Comcast has added to the world of stupidity by removing the requirement for a password and setting the default to four zeros. Naked Security reported that in 2017, Comcast launched Xfinity Mobile: a wireless service that runs on Verizon wireless and Comcast’s own Wi-Fi hotspots. In order to make it easy for customers to switch over from another carrier, some genius at Comcast thought it was a good idea not to require a PIN and set the default PIN to a’0000’ value, which customers couldn’t change.

In fact, Comcast even advertised the default value on its website. Apparently, customers reported that their phone numbers were hijacked without their approval. With such “tight” security, that’s a not surprising result. Comcast said only 30 customers were impacted if you can believe that. This is just another bonehead move from a company that opens up your Wi-Fi to any other customer and throttles your traffic just because it can.

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