Ethical Implications of NSA Surveillance for Lawyers
July 1, 2014
Excerpt: At least once a week we are reminded that law firms’ cybersecurity is at risk, and a newly discovered threat is The National Security Agency. After 9/11, many Americans embraced the Patriot Act, numb from the tragedy and justifiably concerned about terrorist plots on American soil. After some time, most folks became complacent and more or less bought the government’s reassurance that federal surveillance involved primarily foreigners and that the Feds were not snooping on the activities of ordinary Americans.
That proved wrong in a big way. Courtesy of Edward Snowden (like him or hate him, he exposed a lot of illegal and unconstitutional activities), we have learned that the U.S. is closer to the “Big Brother” state of George Orwell’s 1984 than we ever thought possible. So, what do we know now and what are the implications for lawyers?