Category: Apple

Feb 02, 2016

Alphabet Passes Apple as Most Valuable Company

Ars Technica reports that Alphabet (previously known as Google) has surpassed Apple as the most valuable company. Alphabet's market cap

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Feb 01, 2016

Apple Can Read Your Encrypted Messages

You should probably think twice about using any cloud provider service where you don't define the encryption key. Apple's iCloud

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Jan 13, 2016

Apple Wins Prize for Most Vulnerabilities in 2015

VentureBeat reported on the top 50 software products in order of distinct vulnerabilities. The "winner" was Apple for Mac OS

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Jan 11, 2016

Wireless Storage for Your Smartphone

A major complaint of a lot of iPhone users is having to spend a bunch of money to get larger

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Dec 01, 2015

How to Maximize Smartphone Battery Life

Well, the first piece of advice is NOT to believe what you have heard in the past about charging, discharging,

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Nov 25, 2015

Apple’s Latest Mistake – The iPad Pro

Bigger isn’t always better. Some smartphone models have gotten so big it feels like the old days of walking around

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Nov 17, 2015

Really? Apple Not the Ultimate Security Environment

Shocker, but it is what it is. Apple would like you to believe that its products are the most secure

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Nov 03, 2015

Apple’s iOS is Pwnd

Security startup company Zerodium announced that it will pay the $1 million bounty to the team that successfully develops a

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Oct 29, 2015

E-Mail on Smartphones – Is Outlook the Answer?

Apparently, Microsoft is gaining momentum in getting users to use Outlook as their preferred smartphone e-mail client. Recent updates bring

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Oct 15, 2015

Google Saves Voice Recordings and Commands When You Use “Google Now”

It should be no surprise that Google, Apple, Microsoft and every other app provider wants information about you. After all,

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Sep 28, 2015

Another Reason Not to Use Touch ID

Many critics say that passwords are dead. I don’t believe they are dead or ever will be. Certainly authentication methods

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Sep 24, 2015

Three Steps Forward – Two Steps Backward

Reports claim that more than 50% of iOS devices have upgraded to the latest iOS 9. Supposedly, iOS 9 has

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