Category: Apple

Sep 03, 2014

Should you Trust the Cloud?

It’s a question that gets asked a lot. The latest news has Apple and the FBI investigating a hacking incident,

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Aug 20, 2014

Office for iPad – Major Update

Microsoft has released a major update for Office running on the iPad. It’s been a couple of weeks now, so

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Aug 15, 2014

Why You Don’t Want an iPhone

The biggest complaint I hear about the iPhone is the really crummy battery life. At least Apple gets decent life

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Aug 06, 2014

Speech Recognition Keeps Getting Better

Dragon NaturallySpeaking is a killer speech recognition application for your computer. PCWorld just did a product review for the latest

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Jul 29, 2014

How to Make Your Smartphone Battery Last Longer

Probably one of the biggest complaints from smartphone users is the poor battery life of their devices. Just take a

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Jul 08, 2014

Internet of Everything: Tomorrow’s SCADA Screw-up

I just read an Ars Technica blog post describing how an attack against LIFX smart lightbulbs can expose WiFi passwords.

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Jun 09, 2014

The “Do Over” Method for Apple

If you are one of the crazy people that love to bleed and suffer with new technology, there is a

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Jun 04, 2014

Apple Announcements: New Operating Systems and Healthkit

Apple has been busy making all kinds of announcements and getting their loyal fans all cranked up for the next

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