Category: Cloud

Dec 16, 2014

Google Services Safe for Data Storage

According to Google’s Chairman, Eric Schmidt, your data is safe from the NSA if you use Google’s services. Schmidt was

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Nov 12, 2014

Office on Android and iOS Devices is Now Free

There have been all kinds of reports about the recent announcement concerning Microsoft’s Office offering. The announcement means that Office

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Nov 11, 2014

File Sharing is Leaking Data

Do you allow file sharing and cloud data storage applications to be used by the employees? Even if you don’t

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Nov 06, 2014

Two 800 Pound Gorillas – Dropbox and Microsoft

Microsoft and Dropbox just announced a deal to help link Office 365 and the popular Dropbox cloud storage. The arrangement

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Oct 30, 2014

More Goodies for Office 365

Microsoft is really upping the game with its Office 365 offering. At the recent TechEd Europe event, Microsoft announced new

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Oct 28, 2014

Unlimited OneDrive Storage for Office 365 Users

The cloud storage wars just got interesting. You may recall that it wasn’t that long ago when Microsoft announced a

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Oct 20, 2014

Beware of the Cloud

You can’t go a single day without hearing something about the “cloud.” The sad part is that 50% of people

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Oct 09, 2014

More About Office 365 for Lawyers

Timing couldn’t be better. Yesterday was a post about encrypted messaging for Office 365 and next we have a podcast

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Oct 08, 2014

Office 365 Message Encryption: More Good Stuff

Have I mentioned encryption lately? Last year, Microsoft announced message encryption for Office 365 but you had to be logged

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Sep 30, 2014

The Enemy Within: Beware the Disgruntled Employee

An interesting post at naked security reminds us that internal threats can be just as bad as hackers infiltrating our

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Sep 24, 2014

Clio’s Android App and Fastcase Integration

Clio, one of the leading cloud-based practice management applications, made some major announcements at the 2014 Clio Cloud Conference in

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Sep 09, 2014

Bigger Files for OneDrive

It is one thing to have a bunch of data synchronized to the cloud, but what good is it if

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