Category: Cloud

Sep 04, 2014

How iCloud Really Works

The Register came out blasting Apple for their lame excuse saying that if the celebrities had used two-factor authentication their

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Sep 03, 2014

Should you Trust the Cloud?

It’s a question that gets asked a lot. The latest news has Apple and the FBI investigating a hacking incident,

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Sep 02, 2014

Dropbox Reduces Storage Costs

Cloud-based file storage is pretty much a necessity these days. Dropbox was early on the scene, but the “big boys”

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Aug 13, 2014

Password Manager LastPass Goes “titsup”: Users LOCKED OUT

Just because you use cloud services doesn’t mean it’s better than having your own resources. To illustrate the point, The

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Aug 07, 2014

Which Cloud File Sync Service is Best?

A common question we hear quite frequently. InfoWorld has a recent article, where it reviewed several cloud file synchronization services

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Jul 30, 2014

Improved Security for Outlook and OneDrive

Last December Microsoft promised to improve security for its cloud services through the use of encryption. Even Edward Snowden said

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Jun 25, 2014

Google – Full Speed Ahead with Encryption

As I continue to say over and over…encryption is your friend. One of my favorite quotes is from Bruce Schneier

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Jun 19, 2014

Is the “Cloud” Really the Right Solution for Me?

I can’t tell you how many times I have answered the question or some variant of it. I hate to

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May 21, 2014

Digital Edge Podcast: Solo and Small Firm Technology Guide

I had the pleasure and privilege to be a guest on the Digital Edge podcast hosted by Jim Calloway and

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