Category: Cloud

May 16, 2018

Google Rebranding Storage Plans

The term "Google Drive" will mean only one thing from now on since Google is rolling out new changes to

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Apr 26, 2018

Which Cloud Backup Solution Should You Use?

Backup is a very important part of your technology solution. Having a solid backup will allow you to recover from

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Apr 12, 2018

Gmail Getting a Facelift

The cat is out of the bag. Google is releasing a new interface for Gmail. Google notified G Suite administrators

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Apr 10, 2018

A New Feature for Google Drive

Google has updated its Access Checker feature, which lets you easily share a Drive file with someone. When you send

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Mar 06, 2018

Thinking of Moving to the Cloud – 6 Questions to Ask

Moving to the cloud is the latest rage and probably not a bad idea for a lot of people. Even

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Mar 05, 2018

Dropbox to Integrate with G Suite

Dropbox was one of the first cloud storage providers and got its foot in the door before all the others.

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Feb 26, 2018

Reality Check – Almost 93% of Cloud Applications Are Not Enterprise-Ready

Netskope, a cloud security company, released some startling data concerning cloud applications. Netskope analyzed anonymized data taken from its Netskope

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Jan 29, 2018

Free Ransomware Protection from Acronis

It may be a marketing scam, but it is hard to argue with free. According to the Register, Acronis has

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Jan 23, 2018

Microsoft Introduces “Do Over” Function for Enterprise OneDrive Users

If you are a business Microsoft Office 365 user, the chances are pretty good that you also have OneDrive for

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Jan 22, 2018

Wake Up Gmail Users – Turn On Two Factor Authentication

Google has released some disturbing numbers concerning Gmail users. There are around one billion Gmail users and only 10% of

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Oct 19, 2017

Symantec Committing to Microsoft Cloud

Enterprises need to pay attention to what vendors are thinking and the direction technology is moving in. The cloud is

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Sep 11, 2017

Google Drive and Photos Will Die Early Next Year

Google has announced that it will kill Photos and Google Drive for PC and Mac. Google Drive will be replaced

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