Category: Cloud

Feb 06, 2017

Does Microsoft’s One Drive Protect You from Ransomware?

Specifically, you can restore Office files by using Version History if your local file gets encrypted by ransomware. There is

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Jan 30, 2017

Updates for Google Docs and Sheets on iOS and Android

Google is rolling out an update for Google Docs and Google Sheets for Android devices that provides more options for

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Jan 18, 2017

You Should Always Change the Defaults – Even the Alexa Wake Word

One of the simplest, no cost things you can do to improve your security posture is to change any default

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Oct 11, 2016

Too Late to Easily Leave Yahoo

Between a massive data breach and spying on user's e-mail, Yahoo has had some tough times recently. For several weeks

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Oct 06, 2016

Spying on Users or Data Breach – Yahoo Has Both

A few weeks back, Yahoo admitted that it suffered a data breach in 2014 where at least 500 million (half

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Oct 05, 2016

Ten Hidden Features of Google Apps for Work

There are good and bad things about cloud services. A good thing is the automatic updates and new features that

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Sep 27, 2016

What’s the Best Cloud Backup Solution to Secure your Data?

Timing is everything. We recently gave a presentation addressing budget friendly technology, where we discussed a site that reviews backup

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Aug 15, 2016

Bring Your Own Encryption Keys to Amazon Web Services

If you really want to protect your data AND use cloud services, you need to control your own encryption keys

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Jul 21, 2016

Skype Going to the Cloud – No More Support for Older Devices

In the beginning days of Skype, the technical architecture was peer-to-peer (P2P). This meant that the data flows would bounce

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Jul 07, 2016

Importing Evernote Content into OneNote

Recently, Evernote announced a change in its offering in an attempt to get more people to use the paid services.

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Jun 29, 2016

Variants of Cerber Ransomware Targeting MS Office 365 E-mail Users

It seems like we hear about some new strain of ransomware every day. The latest is a variant of Cerber

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Jun 23, 2016

Dropbox iOS App Scans Documents

Dropbox has announced a bunch of new features for its iOS app to include scanning a document directly to Dropbox.

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