Category: Cloud

Jun 22, 2016

Passwords Potentially Compromised at Carbonite

We really like Carbonite as a cloud backup solution, especially for solo and small firm businesses. A recent compromise at

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Jun 08, 2016

Employees are a Major Source of Sharing Company Information to Outsiders

I'm sure you've heard of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), but what about BYOC? Bring Your Own Cloud (BYOC) is

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May 09, 2016

5 Simple Questions to Ask Cloud Providers

Let there be no mistake about it. Businesses are moving to the cloud. It is no longer if you will

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May 05, 2016

Microsoft and Google Obtain Security and Privacy Certifications

Security continues to be a major concern for those moving their data and applications to the cloud. Microsoft and Google

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Apr 21, 2016

New Law Practice Management Solution from Citrix

Our friend and colleague, Bob Ambrogi, has done it again. Bob is always on top of the latest and greatest

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Apr 20, 2016

Cloud Security Compromised by URL Shorteners

I have never been a fan of shortened URLs since you really have no clue where you will end up

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Apr 12, 2016

Best Practices for Cloud SLAs (Service Level Agreements)

Despite what almost 50% of the public believe, the "cloud" is not impacted by weather. Working in the cloud means

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Apr 07, 2016

Google Calendar Reminders Not Just for Mobile Devices

If you used Google's Calendar app on an iOS or Android device, you enjoyed having a to-do list ability known

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Apr 04, 2016

Rocket Matter has New Clothes

Perhaps not new pants or shirts, but certainly a new look. Rocket Matter has released a redesigned user interface and

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Feb 01, 2016

Apple Can Read Your Encrypted Messages

You should probably think twice about using any cloud provider service where you don't define the encryption key. Apple's iCloud

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Dec 23, 2015

Google Upping Game to Kill Passwords

Passwords are not dead, but Google sure is trying to accelerate a shorter life span. You really have to admire

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Dec 16, 2015

Cloud Security Varies by Industry

More and more businesses are moving to the cloud for various business functions, but is the cloud safe for your

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