Category: General

May 15, 2017

WannaCry Lessons – Patch and Update

Last week, the WannaCry ransomware attack surprised the world. The attack leveraged a Windows vulnerability that the NSA was holding

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Apr 03, 2017

Is the Post Office Spying on Us Too?

Some say it's a convenience, but could also be an invasion of privacy. Perhaps we have no more privacy these

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Mar 20, 2017

How to Justify Conference Attendance

We just got back from ABA TECHSHOW so conference attendance is front and center for me. I'm on the planning

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Mar 15, 2017

Legal Research: The Three Big Players

Lexis and WestLaw have always been the big gorillas of the legal research market. No more. Fastcase now joins that

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Jan 26, 2017

Lavabit Encrypted E-Mail is Back

Lavabit provides encrypted end-to-end e-mail communications and was the service of choice for Edward Snowden. The encrypted e-mail service shut

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Oct 27, 2016

Google Fiber Installs Not Going Well

Too bad Google fiber isn't coming to our neighborhood. Google Fiber is being delayed to previously announced cities as well.

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Sep 07, 2016

Increase Windows Notification Time

Have you ever been totally engrossed in an activity on your computer and missed reading the notification window? You then

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Aug 25, 2016

The Best Uninterruptable Power Supply for Home Use

Ars Technica has a great post discussing which UPS you should consider for your home network. The winner was the

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Aug 23, 2016

Airplane Travel – Portable Privacy Wall

If you do a lot of flying, there's always a possibility that the person in the next seat isn't very

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Aug 22, 2016

Humans Ignore 90% of Security Warnings: Blame Lack of Multi-Tasking Skills

It should be no surprise that the biggest problem with securing data is humans. The right software and hardware can

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Jul 19, 2016

The Biggest Lie on the Internet

Admit it. Have you ever really read the Terms of Service (TOS) before clicking the 'I accept' button? Apparently, stating

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Jun 14, 2016

LinkedIn Purchase? What is Microsoft Thinking?

Microsoft announced the purchase of LinkedIn for a whopping $26.2 BILLION! It must be nice to have a ton of

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