Category: Internet

Dec 23, 2014

VPN Unlimited on Sale

If you have ever wanted to try out your own personal VPN, BGR is selling a VPN Unlimited Premium Plan

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Dec 16, 2014

Google Services Safe for Data Storage

According to Google’s Chairman, Eric Schmidt, your data is safe from the NSA if you use Google’s services. Schmidt was

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Dec 08, 2014

No More SSL for Firefox Browser

It’s finally happened. Mozilla has disabled SSL 3.0 in Firefox with the latest update and also fixed several critical bugs

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Dec 04, 2014

Order Confirmations Bring More “Gifts”

Any major news event or holiday is another opportunity for the bad guys to infect your computer. The latest attack

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Dec 02, 2014

Yahoo Wins Firefox Search Traffic

For over 10 years Google was the default search engine for Firefox. Not anymore. Yahoo will now be the default

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Nov 12, 2014

Office on Android and iOS Devices is Now Free

There have been all kinds of reports about the recent announcement concerning Microsoft’s Office offering. The announcement means that Office

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Nov 06, 2014

Two 800 Pound Gorillas – Dropbox and Microsoft

Microsoft and Dropbox just announced a deal to help link Office 365 and the popular Dropbox cloud storage. The arrangement

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Nov 03, 2014

Be Afraid – Be Very Afraid of Your Smart TV

Apparently, there is no such thing as privacy. It doesn’t matter if it is Facebook, Google, Apple or any other

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Oct 28, 2014

Unlimited OneDrive Storage for Office 365 Users

The cloud storage wars just got interesting. You may recall that it wasn’t that long ago when Microsoft announced a

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Oct 27, 2014

Current News About Ebola Aids Cybercriminals

Ebola is a nasty thing. Cybercriminals riding on the fear of disasters is also a nasty thing. It could be

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Oct 20, 2014

Beware of the Cloud

You can’t go a single day without hearing something about the “cloud.” The sad part is that 50% of people

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Oct 16, 2014

SSL is no Longer Safe to Use

There have been several reports discussing another vulnerability in SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Specifically, the current attack is being called

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