Category: Internet

Dec 20, 2018

Emergency Patch for Internet Explorer

Is anyone still using IE? Perhaps not, but it is still installed on a ton of Windows machines. Then again,

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Dec 11, 2018

Is Microsoft Edge Finally Relevant?

Internet Explorer is no longer a major player in the browser market. Microsoft moved from IE and released a new

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Nov 20, 2018

Best Consumer Wi-Fi Systems

Do yourself a favor. If you need to bring up a Wi-Fi network, don’t just buy the cheapest device you

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Oct 25, 2018

Much Easier to Delete Your Google Search History Now

More and more users are concerned about their privacy and how much data companies like Google and Facebook are capturing

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Oct 17, 2018

Browser ‘Do Not Track’ is Worthless

You might think that enabling the 'do not track' feature of your browser would stop a website from tracking you.

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Sep 24, 2018

The Deep, Dark Web

So which is it? Deep, dark or something in between? We have given many presentations concerning parts of the internet

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Sep 17, 2018

Microsoft Ticks Off Users by Pushing Usage of Edge

Talk about blowback. Windows 10 users are now being "encouraged" to use the Edge browser instead of other third party

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Sep 10, 2018

Another Browser Ditches Windows XP

As Gomer Pyle would say…surprise, surprise, surprise. Surprise, there are still people using Windows XP, which has been unsupported for

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Sep 05, 2018

Chrome Helps Stop Password Reuse

Study after study shows that users suffer from password fatigue. The constant password changing and complexity requirements encourages users to

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Sep 04, 2018

Firefox Getting More Aggressive with Tracking Blockers

Why can't we just surf the internet and not be bothered by sites that want to deliver ads to us?

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Aug 29, 2018

Abandoning Domains Allows Access to Your Data

I'm pretty sure that the internet is here to stay. It is getting more and more difficult to register a

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Aug 21, 2018

Browser Privacy and Ad Blocking Not Bullet-Proof

I love adblockers and avoid visiting websites that ask to disable them. Unfortunately, protecting your privacy can be bypassed by

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