Category: Mobile

Nov 12, 2014

Office on Android and iOS Devices is Now Free

There have been all kinds of reports about the recent announcement concerning Microsoft’s Office offering. The announcement means that Office

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Nov 10, 2014

Didn’t Jailbreak Your iPhone, No Problem – You Can Still Get Infected

Apple has always been big on touting the security of the App Store and protecting its products from malicious software.

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Nov 06, 2014

Two 800 Pound Gorillas – Dropbox and Microsoft

Microsoft and Dropbox just announced a deal to help link Office 365 and the popular Dropbox cloud storage. The arrangement

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Oct 22, 2014

Google Helping iOS Users Move to Android

Google has launched a website called Switch, which is intended to help iOS users migrate from Apple to Android. The

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Oct 21, 2014

You Are the Product: Default Settings to “Steal” Your Privacy Data

It amazes me that nobody seems to read the terms of service or the permission settings when installing software or

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Oct 13, 2014

Get More Productive with the iPad

Want to be more productive with your iPad? ALI CLE is hosting a webcast on October 15th to make sure

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Oct 07, 2014

Encryption by Default: A Good Thing

Google has been marching down the road towards fully encrypting all its services and Apple has stated that the encryption

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Sep 25, 2014

Bring Your Own Disaster

Mobile devices certainly carry the potential to make for a more efficient workforce. Unfortunately, the employees think they know more

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Sep 24, 2014

Clio’s Android App and Fastcase Integration

Clio, one of the leading cloud-based practice management applications, made some major announcements at the 2014 Clio Cloud Conference in

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Sep 23, 2014

How to Downgrade from iOS 8

Last week, I suggested that Apple users may want to be a little more patient about upgrading to iOS 8

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Sep 22, 2014

Microsoft Announces Universal Keyboard

Microsoft isn’t just a software developer. It also produce some pretty good hardware too. Xbox Gamers know Microsoft’s hardware well.

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Sep 18, 2014

With Apple, Patience is a Virtue

It’s hard to slow down Apple fans! Look at the record number of pre-orders for the iPhone 6 as an

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