Category: Security

Apr 04, 2019

Kaspersky First Again

Let’s get it on the table right up front. I am a big fan of Kaspersky products. Kaspersky consistently ranks

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Apr 03, 2019

Delete All Data from Your Car Before Disposal or Repair

We live in a very different world from our parents. Growing up, motor vehicles had carburetors, window cranks and push

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Mar 27, 2019

ASUS Devices Targeted with Backdoor Malware

If you own an ASUS device, make sure you update the update. Kaspersky researchers have discovered malware that they named

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Mar 21, 2019

Please Properly Dispose of Your Electronics

So much of our lives is captured on the electronic devices we use. It is not surprising that more and

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Mar 20, 2019

Twelve Most Common Phishing Email Subject Lines

The bad guys are constantly looking at ways to get users to click on links or open attachments in an

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Mar 19, 2019

Hundreds of Unsafe Anti-Virus Apps in Google Play

Just because an app is in Google Play, Microsoft store or Apple’s app store doesn’t mean it is safe or

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Mar 14, 2019

Data on Exposed

Another problem for a cloud storage provider. Dozens of companies leaked sensitive data because of misconfigured Box accounts. It was

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Mar 13, 2019

Russia is Pissed – Blocks ProtonMail Encrypted Email

If you want to protect your data, encryption is your friend. If you are not already using a secure messaging

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Mar 07, 2019

Please Use a Password to Lock Your Phone

Anybody that has heard Sharon and I do a presentation knows that we are not a fan of biometric locking

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Mar 06, 2019

No Genius Employees at Comcast

It is just amazing that examples of common sense are fewer and far between. Comcast has added to the world

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Feb 20, 2019

Password Managers Leave Data Fragments in RAM

Nothing is perfect. Independent Security Evaluators (ISE) released its review of several Windows password managers (LastPass, KeePass, Dashlane & 1Password).

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Feb 13, 2019

Android Users Beware: Evil PNG Files

Android users of Nougat (7.0), Oreo (8.0) and Pie (9.0) should patch their devices as soon as an update is

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