Category: Security

Aug 13, 2018

HP OfficeJet Compromised by Malicious Fax

I've never been a big fan of inkjet printers. A recent demonstration at DEF CON cements that opinion. Threatpost reported

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Aug 09, 2018

Easier to Crack WPA/WPA2 than Previously Thought

We already knew that WPA2 was susceptible to cracking (Krack Attack) last year. It's bad enough that WPA2 is vulnerable,

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Aug 06, 2018

15 Things to Avoid Being Hacked

Times have changed. The bad guys are constantly trying to attack your computing devices and mobile phones. The goal is

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Jul 31, 2018

Three VPN Deals for Everybody

I've often said that everybody needs some sort of VPN service to protect data transmissions. The issue is cost for

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Jul 26, 2018

Free Chrome Extension Prevents Cryptojacking

Ransomware is still prevalent, however there is a new favorite attack that is gaining in popularity. Cryptojacking is where your

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Jul 25, 2018

Bluetooth Pairing Vulnerable to Attack

Threatpost reported that researchers at the Israel Institute of Technology have identified a security vulnerability in the Bluetooth specification. The

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Jul 23, 2018

Which 16 Popular VPNs Leak Data?

Secure communications means encrypting the data stream. You definitely want to consider using a VPN if you are concerned about

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Jul 19, 2018

Want Your Phone Hacked? Visit These 10 Airports

When Sharon and I give security presentations, the topic of insecure Wi-Fi networks typically makes it in a few slides.

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Jul 18, 2018

How to Mitigate 2FA Attack on Office 365

Users should enable and use two factor authentication (2FA) whenever it is available. Sure there are issues with using SMS

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Jul 17, 2018

iPhone USB Restricted Mode – Too Little Too Late?

Apple hopes to defeat tools that are able to bypass security features of iOS devices with its newest version of

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Jul 16, 2018

Google Chrome Eats More RAM

I'm a big fan of Google's Chrome browser. What I'm not a fan of is its voracious appetite for eating

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Jul 11, 2018

How to Download Saved Chrome Passwords

It is highly recommended NOT to save any passwords in a browser. If your machine is compromised, there is a

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