Category: Security

Jan 11, 2018

Apple macOS Security in the Crosshairs Again

It seems like we hear about some security issue multiple times a day. Apple traditionally is a bit slower than

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Jan 10, 2018

Every Kick in the Ass is a Step Forward

I love that title. Recently, Bleeping Computer posted information about a newly announced Wi-Fi standard. Last year, WPA2 was discovered

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Jan 09, 2018

Apple Releases Fix for Spectre Vulnerability

Vendors have been scrambling like crazy to address the recently discovered vulnerabilities for Intel, ARM and AMD processors. Microsoft has

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Jan 08, 2018

Another Day, Another Backdoor Discovered

Backdoors are bad. They are designed to bypass normal security access methods and allow direct administrative control without the user's

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Jan 04, 2018

New Bugs Discovered That Impact Almost Every Device

The latest news is all the media hype over a huge bug impacting Intel processors. Intel came out and said

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Jan 03, 2018

Beware if You Use a Browser-Based Password Manager

Another reason NOT to use the built-in password manager feature of your browser. Security researchers from Princeton's Center for Information

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Dec 21, 2017

The Worst Passwords of 2017 Are Still Crappy

People are really stupid. At least where it comes to selecting passwords, but other levels of stupidity are up for

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Dec 18, 2017

Unencrypted USB Devices Used by 80% of Employees

Human beings are the worst enemy when it comes to security protection. Unfortunately, that trend continues. The Apricorn Data Protection

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Dec 14, 2017

Guys Need to Stop Using Password as a Password

No matter how many times we hear of data breaches or how often we are forced to change our passwords,

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Dec 13, 2017

Keylogger on HP Laptops – Discover and Remove

It has not been a good week for HP laptop owners. Apparently, HP delivered several laptops with a little "bonus"

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Nov 29, 2017

Major Security Flaw in macOS High Sierra: Root Access Without a Password

Not good Apple. The latest problem with macOS High Sierra is another "black eye" for Apple's latest OS. The issue

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Nov 22, 2017

Critical Bug in Intel’s Management Engine – Patch Released

When the "heart" of your computer has a bug, it's a real problem. Intel makes a lot of the chips

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