Category: Security

Nov 15, 2017

Top 10 Android Antivirus Tools

It really doesn't matter if you are an iPhone fanatic, an Android snob or some other mobile OS user. You

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Nov 13, 2017

Malware Delivered via Microsoft Word Without Macros

It is a common practice to deliver malware via Word by using macros to execute code. As a result, macros

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Nov 06, 2017

Critical Flaw in Tor Browser Reveals Real IP Address

For those of us that visit the Dark Web (most users should stay away from it), a critical flaw has

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Nov 01, 2017

Apple FINALLY Fixes KRACK Vulnerability

I previously posted about a vulnerability discovered in WPA2 Wi-Fi encryption called KRACK. Many companies were quick to announce fixes

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Oct 30, 2017

Best Antivirus for Android

CSO reported that the AV-TEST institute identified the ten best antivirus tools for Android. The list has several products I've

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Oct 26, 2017

Nine Steps to Detect a Malware Infection

Even though an anti-virus application is installed on your computer, you could have some infection that wasn't caught. Your machine

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Oct 25, 2017

Mac Users Should Take These Steps to Secure Your Data

Despite what the Apple Fan Boys believe, Apple is just as vulnerable (if not more so) to security breaches. If

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Oct 24, 2017

Windows 10 Controlled Folder Access Can Stop Ransomware

Controlled folder access protects the contents of selected folders to prevent suspicious applications from changing the contents. Microsoft has been

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Oct 23, 2017

Big Gains in Secure Internet Traffic

It's all about security. We need to protect our information from prying eyes, including those of our own government. One

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Oct 17, 2017

Edge: Best Browser for Blocking Malware Downloads and Phishing Attacks

New tests by NSS Labs have found that Edge is the better browser for stopping phishing attacks and blocking malware

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Oct 16, 2017

WPA2 Wi-Fi Encryption Not Safe Either

For years we've lectured that WEP and WPA have been cracked so only WPA2 networks were safe. Not anymore. It

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Oct 12, 2017

62 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Microsoft October Patch Tuesday

Trend Micro reported that Microsoft's Patch Tuesday for October addressed 62 vulnerabilities, 27 of which are designated as critical and

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