Category: Security

Dec 22, 2016

Signal Bypasses Government Censorship

One of my favorite applications for encrypted communications is Signal by Open Whisper Systems. It's a favorite of other security

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Dec 20, 2016

There’s Nothing Worse than a Leaky VPN

With the significant increase in data breaches, today's users are more focused on security and privacy than they ever have

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Dec 19, 2016

Netgear Provides Updated Firmware

Last week I wrote about a severe vulnerability in some models of Netgear routers. The vulnerability is so severe that

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Dec 15, 2016

Phishing E-Mails Responsible for 91% of Cyberattacks

A new report from PhishMe found that 91% of cyberattacks start with a phish. The top reasons people are duped

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Dec 14, 2016

Securing Your Wi-Fi – The Advanced Version

A previous post identified some basic steps to secure your Wi-Fi network. As promised, Graham Cluley provides some more advanced

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Dec 13, 2016

Time to Replace Your Netgear Router

It's not a good time for Netgear. There are several reports that at least three versions of Netgear routers are

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Dec 08, 2016

Basic Steps to Secure Your Wi-Fi Network

We are a very mobile society and love our Wi-Fi connections, especially those we don't have to pay for. Security

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Dec 05, 2016

Overflow Exploit Bypasses Locked iPhones

Another day…another bug. This one impacts Apple devices running iOS 10.1.1. The exploit discovered by Vulnerability Lab security analyst Benjamin

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Dec 01, 2016

Fix for Active Zero Day Attack Available for Firefox and Tor Browsers

A post on ars technica announces an update available for Firefox and Tor browsers. The zero-day vulnerability is being used

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Nov 30, 2016

Bypass BitLocker with Simple Key Combination

BitLocker is a very good encryption method included free with Windows 10. However, Microsoft needs to fix a recently discovered

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Nov 29, 2016

Microsoft Drops SHA-1 Support in Browsers

It is now official. Microsoft will stop supporting SHA-1 in Internet Explorer 11 and the Edge browser on February 14,

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Nov 21, 2016

Apple Still Gathering User’s Data: Feature or Bug?

One of the things we do at Sensei is mobile forensics. As a result, we've been analyzing iPhones for many

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