Category: Security

Nov 19, 2015

Lots of Security Flaws in LastPass Password Manager

It’s been a bad couple of years for the popular password manager LastPass. Last year two security engineers were able

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Nov 18, 2015

Encryption is your Friend. Google Agrees.

Forget the discussions about building backdoors into encryption schemes. Encryption is your friend and will protect the data once you’ve

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Nov 17, 2015

Really? Apple Not the Ultimate Security Environment

Shocker, but it is what it is. Apple would like you to believe that its products are the most secure

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Nov 10, 2015

Ransomware Steps Up the Game

As if it wasn’t bad enough that ransomware encrypted your data, now the infections are also encrypting the file names.

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Nov 03, 2015

Apple’s iOS is Pwnd

Security startup company Zerodium announced that it will pay the $1 million bounty to the team that successfully develops a

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Nov 02, 2015

Free Ransomware Decryption Keys

There’s good news if you have been infected by CoinVault and Bitcryptor ransomware. Kaspersky Lab has distributed a decryption application

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Oct 27, 2015

Be Afraid of Square – Be Very Afraid

I have never been a big fan of Square, the credit card processing gizmo that attaches to your phone. In

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Oct 26, 2015

Facebook Lets Anyone Search Your Posts

I’ve said it many times. Facebook is evil. It is a master of adding and changing features that impact your

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Oct 22, 2015

Western Digital Encryption Doesn’t Protect Your Data

It was not a good day for Western Digital when a team of academics published a paper showing how poor

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Oct 14, 2015

Mass Exodus from LastPass?

The latest news that LogMeIn has acquired LastPass has created a huge cry for alternative password managers. Should you feel

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Oct 12, 2015

The Death of LastPass?

LogMeIn has announced that it is acquiring LastPass for $110M. Acquisitions sometimes go south. There are many examples of the

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Oct 01, 2015

WinRAR Bug Puts Around 500 Million Users at Risk

Most users are aware of the Zip file format that can create a compressed archive of files/folders. File archiving became

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