Category: Security

Sep 30, 2015

Microsoft Exchange 2013 Bug Fix

Microsoft recently released a patch to fix a vulnerability in Exchange 2013. The vulnerability is with Outlook Web Access (OWA)

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Sep 29, 2015

Password Managers for Business

As I’ve mentioned previously, passwords are not dead and will be with us for the foreseeable future. The key is

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Sep 28, 2015

Another Reason Not to Use Touch ID

Many critics say that passwords are dead. I don’t believe they are dead or ever will be. Certainly authentication methods

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Sep 24, 2015

Three Steps Forward – Two Steps Backward

Reports claim that more than 50% of iOS devices have upgraded to the latest iOS 9. Supposedly, iOS 9 has

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Sep 17, 2015

Partial Security Fix with iOS 9 Release

Something is better than nothing. According to Threatpost, there is a major vulnerability in a library in iOS that allows

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Sep 09, 2015

Should You Always Encrypt?

With all the recent data breaches and news of government spying, how can we protect our data? Encryption is your

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Sep 08, 2015

Backdoor Access for Seagate Wireless Drives

What are they thinking? Some models of Seagate wireless drives come with something you didn’t intend to purchase. A backdoor

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Sep 03, 2015

Windows 7 and 8 are Tracking You Too

There’s been a lot of discussion about the privacy settings and data that Windows 10 gathers about users. News flash.

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Aug 31, 2015

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead and So is Flash

Another nail in the coffin of Flash. Google has announced that non-essential Flash code will be blocked in the Chrome

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Aug 26, 2015

IBM Says Corporations Are Next Ransomware Targets

Some reports have indicated that ransomware has increased by 4,000 percent. I don’t know how accurate that number is, but

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Aug 24, 2015

New Data: Android Lock Patterns Are More Predictable

There’s been a lot written about the use of strong passwords and passphrases. One of the keys is the complexity

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Aug 20, 2015

Another Day Another Phishing Scam

SC Magazine has reported that there is a targeted phishing scam that purports to come from E-ZPass. The targeted e-mail

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