Category: Security

Jul 07, 2015

Top Commercial VPNs Leak Data

Apparently, VPNs are not as secure as everyone thinks. Five researchers from London and Rome have documented that 14 of

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Jul 02, 2015

Will OpenDNS Still Have a Free Offering?

Cisco has announced it will purchase OpenDNS for $635 million. This will put another security feather in Cisco’s cap. OpenDNS

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Jun 29, 2015

Bad News: Default Security Credentials on Cisco Devices

Default passwords are not unusual. Cisco has revealed that there are default pre-authorization keys for SSH sessions for some of

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Jun 23, 2015

Are Emojis a Replacement for Passwords?

Despite the predictions of some, passwords are not dead. We are constantly looking to improve our authentication methods. The latest

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Jun 22, 2015

Another Huge Security Hole in iOS and OS X

So much for the perceived safety of Apple products. Ars technica reports that researchers have discovered huge holes in the

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Jun 18, 2015

Password Manager LastPass Gets Hacked

It seems like we hear of at least one data breach a week these days. One of the latest victims

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Jun 17, 2015

Security Guru Endorses Bitlocker Encryption

Encryption used to be hard. Today, it’s pretty easy and not expensive. A lot of products actually include encryption capability

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Jun 15, 2015

Microsoft AV Gets Aggressive

I’ve never been a big fan of Microsoft’s security products. But the recent story in Ars Technica has me rethinking

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Jun 11, 2015

Huge iPhone Security Flaw Pwns Your Password

I don’t understand why Apple is so slow to issue updates to fix security vulnerabilities in its products. In contrast,

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Jun 10, 2015

13 Vulnerabilities Fixed in Adobe Flash Player

Flash is still used on a lot of websites despite having had security issues for years. Adobe does a good

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Jun 09, 2015

NetDocuments Lets Users Control Encryption Keys

Encryption is your friend. The requirements for keeping your data safe from prying eyes (e.g. NSA, foreign governments, soon-to-be-ex-spouses, etc.)

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Jun 08, 2015

Permanent Backdoor Access to Macs is Revealed

There are a lot of computer users that believe they are immune to viruses, Trojans or other compromises just because

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