Category: Security

Mar 03, 2015

Lollipop Not Encrypted By Default

Encryption protects your data, even from the government. The FBI, law enforcement and government agencies went ballistic when Apple released

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Mar 02, 2015

Another Reason to Use Chrome

Google continues to modify its products and services to enhance security and provide privacy tools. That’s not to say that

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Feb 26, 2015

Lenovo Computers Ship with “Bonus” Software

The last several days have been filled with reports of Lenovo shipping malware infected computers capable of intercepting and decrypting

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Feb 12, 2015

Critical Active Directory Patch is Released

On Patch Tuesday, Microsoft released a fix that it has been working on for over a year. The vulnerability impacts

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Feb 11, 2015

User Controlled Encryption – Box Delivers

Ars technica reported that Box, a cloud storage provider, will give control of encryption keys to the end‑user. Box has

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Feb 10, 2015

Keypad on a USB Flash Drive?

I’m a big fan of the Ironkey flash drives for security and durability. Toshiba has introduced a secure flash drive

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Jan 29, 2015

Are Passwords Dead?

I’ve never been a big fan of passwords, although if that’s the only available authentication method, the password should be

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Jan 22, 2015

iPhone Not Secure? Say It’s Not True.

According to Edward Snowden’s lawyer, Snowden will not use an iPhone because of security issues. Snowden claims that the iPhone

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Jan 21, 2015

Annual List of Top 25 Worst Passwords

SplashData just released their list of the worst passwords of 2014 and it isn’t pretty. Folks are still using the

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Jan 20, 2015

Cloud Security Concerns Executives

SC Magazine summarized the “Cloud Adoption, Practices and Priorities Survey Report,” which was released by the Cloud Security Alliance. The

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Jan 19, 2015

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

It isn’t just something from a Forrest Gump movie, people can still be dumb as dirt. As if it isn’t

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Jan 14, 2015

Windows 7 Exits Mainstream Support

On January 13, 2015, Windows 7 exited the classification of mainstream support and moved into extended support. Some believe that

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