Category: Security

Oct 30, 2014

More Goodies for Office 365

Microsoft is really upping the game with its Office 365 offering. At the recent TechEd Europe event, Microsoft announced new

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Oct 27, 2014

Current News About Ebola Aids Cybercriminals

Ebola is a nasty thing. Cybercriminals riding on the fear of disasters is also a nasty thing. It could be

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Oct 23, 2014

Something You Have – Something You Know: Two-factor Authentication

Are passwords dead? Not yet, but perhaps very soon. The world is moving to two-factor authentication. Two-factor authentication is something

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Oct 21, 2014

You Are the Product: Default Settings to “Steal” Your Privacy Data

It amazes me that nobody seems to read the terms of service or the permission settings when installing software or

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Oct 20, 2014

Beware of the Cloud

You can’t go a single day without hearing something about the “cloud.” The sad part is that 50% of people

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Oct 16, 2014

SSL is no Longer Safe to Use

There have been several reports discussing another vulnerability in SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Specifically, the current attack is being called

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Oct 14, 2014

Data Breach Nightmare: USB Cufflinks

Some things are pretty cool and some things just scare you to death. French cuff shirts are a sign of

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Oct 08, 2014

Office 365 Message Encryption: More Good Stuff

Have I mentioned encryption lately? Last year, Microsoft announced message encryption for Office 365 but you had to be logged

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Oct 07, 2014

Encryption by Default: A Good Thing

Google has been marching down the road towards fully encrypting all its services and Apple has stated that the encryption

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Oct 06, 2014

Even Mac Computers Need Security Software

It is really disturbing that there are a large number of Apple users that don’t think they need any antivirus

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Oct 01, 2014

Apple Patches Shellshock Vulnerability

Apple is one of the latest to release a patch for the Shellshock vulnerability. The patch fixes the “Shellshock” bug

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Sep 30, 2014

The Enemy Within: Beware the Disgruntled Employee

An interesting post at naked security reminds us that internal threats can be just as bad as hackers infiltrating our

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