Category: Smartphone

Nov 05, 2014

Samsung Phones Vulnerable to Remote Wipe

If you own a Samsung phone (we do) be very careful about using the ‘Find My Mobile’ app. BGR reported

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Oct 30, 2014

More Goodies for Office 365

Microsoft is really upping the game with its Office 365 offering. At the recent TechEd Europe event, Microsoft announced new

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Oct 22, 2014

Google Helping iOS Users Move to Android

Google has launched a website called Switch, which is intended to help iOS users migrate from Apple to Android. The

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Oct 07, 2014

Encryption by Default: A Good Thing

Google has been marching down the road towards fully encrypting all its services and Apple has stated that the encryption

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Sep 24, 2014

Clio’s Android App and Fastcase Integration

Clio, one of the leading cloud-based practice management applications, made some major announcements at the 2014 Clio Cloud Conference in

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Sep 23, 2014

How to Downgrade from iOS 8

Last week, I suggested that Apple users may want to be a little more patient about upgrading to iOS 8

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Sep 22, 2014

Microsoft Announces Universal Keyboard

Microsoft isn’t just a software developer. It also produce some pretty good hardware too. Xbox Gamers know Microsoft’s hardware well.

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Sep 18, 2014

With Apple, Patience is a Virtue

It’s hard to slow down Apple fans! Look at the record number of pre-orders for the iPhone 6 as an

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Sep 15, 2014

Google’s Security Focus

There is something about the image of kicking a hornet’s nest. You probably realize it was a really bad decision

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Aug 22, 2014

A Blow to BYOD?

I’ve never been a fan of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and see it as Bring Your Own Disaster. One

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Aug 15, 2014

Why You Don’t Want an iPhone

The biggest complaint I hear about the iPhone is the really crummy battery life. At least Apple gets decent life

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Jul 29, 2014

How to Make Your Smartphone Battery Last Longer

Probably one of the biggest complaints from smartphone users is the poor battery life of their devices. Just take a

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