Category: Software

Jun 25, 2014

Google – Full Speed Ahead with Encryption

As I continue to say over and over…encryption is your friend. One of my favorite quotes is from Bruce Schneier

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Jun 18, 2014

No Office for Windows 8 Tablets

It was a big splash event when Microsoft released Office for the iPad, but what about the other mobile platforms?

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Jun 16, 2014

No More Support for Windows 8.1

It may sound harsh, but Microsoft will no longer provide support for Windows 8.1. You are now required to have

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Jun 12, 2014

Microsoft Patch Tuesday Fixes 66 Vulnerabilities

On Tuesday, Microsoft released seven patches that addressed 66 vulnerabilities and a major fix for Internet Explorer 6 through 11.

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Jun 11, 2014

Windows 8 Will Not Have a Start Menu Choice

Windows 8 has a very different look than any other prior version of Windows. It is very “touch” centric and

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Jun 09, 2014

The “Do Over” Method for Apple

If you are one of the crazy people that love to bleed and suffer with new technology, there is a

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Jun 06, 2014

XP Hack to Get Updates: Get Rid of Windows XP!

According to ars technica, there is a registry hack to enable updates to Windows XP even though it is no

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Jun 05, 2014

TrueCrpyt Isn’t Dead (Yet)!

According to a recent blog post, two Swiss developers have assembled a team to keep open source encryption alive. As

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Jun 04, 2014

Apple Announcements: New Operating Systems and Healthkit

Apple has been busy making all kinds of announcements and getting their loyal fans all cranked up for the next

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May 29, 2014

Is TrueCrypt Really Gone?

Yesterday, Twitter lit up like the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center during the Christmas holiday. All of a sudden the

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May 27, 2014

Stop Using IE 8!

SC Magazine reports that the Zero Day Initiative (ZDI) disclosed an unpatched zero-day use-after-free remote code execution vulnerability affecting Internet

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May 21, 2014

Digital Edge Podcast: Solo and Small Firm Technology Guide

I had the pleasure and privilege to be a guest on the Digital Edge podcast hosted by Jim Calloway and

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