Category: Storage

Feb 11, 2015

User Controlled Encryption – Box Delivers

Ars technica reported that Box, a cloud storage provider, will give control of encryption keys to the end‑user. Box has

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Feb 10, 2015

Keypad on a USB Flash Drive?

I’m a big fan of the Ironkey flash drives for security and durability. Toshiba has introduced a secure flash drive

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Jan 26, 2015

Who Makes the Most Reliable Hard Disk?

Who better to answer that question than backup cloud provider Backblaze, which uses tens of thousands of consumer grade disks

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Jan 08, 2015

Premium Price for 1TB SSD

Samsung has just announced a 1TB SSD drive that is the size of a credit card. The new drive has

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Dec 22, 2014

What Cloud Storage Service Should You Use?

This is a question we get asked quite frequently. All too often we hear that law firms and corporations are

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Dec 16, 2014

Google Services Safe for Data Storage

According to Google’s Chairman, Eric Schmidt, your data is safe from the NSA if you use Google’s services. Schmidt was

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Dec 09, 2014

You Really Should Defrag Your Solid State Drive

I was fascinated to stumble across a blog post by Scott Hanselman covering the details of solid state drive defragmentation.

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Nov 11, 2014

File Sharing is Leaking Data

Do you allow file sharing and cloud data storage applications to be used by the employees? Even if you don’t

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Nov 06, 2014

Two 800 Pound Gorillas – Dropbox and Microsoft

Microsoft and Dropbox just announced a deal to help link Office 365 and the popular Dropbox cloud storage. The arrangement

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Oct 28, 2014

Unlimited OneDrive Storage for Office 365 Users

The cloud storage wars just got interesting. You may recall that it wasn’t that long ago when Microsoft announced a

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Oct 14, 2014

Data Breach Nightmare: USB Cufflinks

Some things are pretty cool and some things just scare you to death. French cuff shirts are a sign of

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Sep 30, 2014

The Enemy Within: Beware the Disgruntled Employee

An interesting post at naked security reminds us that internal threats can be just as bad as hackers infiltrating our

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