Category: Web

Nov 05, 2015

Say Goodbye to “Unlimited” OneDrive Storage

About a year ago, Microsoft announced that its Office 365 subscribers would get unlimited storage in OneDrive. Apparently, the unlimited

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Oct 28, 2015

Search is Coming to the Wayback Machine

Many folks know the archive of the Internet is also known as the Wayback Machine. It is hosted at

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Oct 26, 2015

Facebook Lets Anyone Search Your Posts

I’ve said it many times. Facebook is evil. It is a master of adding and changing features that impact your

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Oct 21, 2015

Clio Announces New Features

Thanks to our friend and colleague, Bob Ambrogi, for summarizing the recent announcement at Clio’s annual conference in Chicago. As

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Oct 13, 2015

New .Law Domains Available for Sale

Once again, our friend and colleague Bob Ambrogi is first to the news front. His recent post tells you how

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Oct 06, 2015

AdBlocker Not Really Blocking Ads

The AdBlock Extension is intended to stop showing those annoying ads from online advertisers and is said to be installed

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Sep 30, 2015

Microsoft Exchange 2013 Bug Fix

Microsoft recently released a patch to fix a vulnerability in Exchange 2013. The vulnerability is with Outlook Web Access (OWA)

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Sep 23, 2015

New Gmail Features to Manage Messages

Google is helping people manage their Inboxes with two new features. They are “Block Sender” and “Unsubscribe.” If you use

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Aug 31, 2015

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead and So is Flash

Another nail in the coffin of Flash. Google has announced that non-essential Flash code will be blocked in the Chrome

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Aug 20, 2015

Another Day Another Phishing Scam

SC Magazine has reported that there is a targeted phishing scam that purports to come from E-ZPass. The targeted e-mail

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Aug 17, 2015

Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive Files Accessed without a User’s Password

It’s called a “man-in-the-cloud” attack, which exploits a common flaw in most cloud-based file synchronization services. The bad guys don’t

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Aug 03, 2015

Change Your Default Browser in Windows 10

If you want Firefox to be your default browser in Windows 10, just check the box the first time you

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