Category: Web

Mar 28, 2018

Another Reason to Hate Facebook

Unless you've been sleeping under a rock for the past several weeks, you are well aware of the huge outcry

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Mar 22, 2018

Dark Web Markets No Longer Available On Reddit

Reddit, a discussion and news aggregation site, has just banned the site's largest community dedicated to discussions related to Dark

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Mar 21, 2018

Don’t Store Passwords in a Browser

For many, many years browsers have offered to save your login credentials. The intent is to make subsequent visits to

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Mar 19, 2018

Which Browser Should You Use?

By all accounts, Chrome is the most popular browser based on the number of users. If it is any indication,

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Feb 14, 2018

Google Chrome Will Label Insecure Websites Starting in July

Google has long been a proponent of a safer and more secure Internet. Google's work is all part of a

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Feb 13, 2018

How to Turn Off Autocomplete in Chrome

Autocomplete is everywhere. It happens by default in Word and Outlook. Many a misaddressed e-mail has been sent because of

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Feb 08, 2018

WordPress Users – Update Now

There are a ton of websites that use WordPress to deliver content. On Monday, WordPress published version 4.9.3 maintenance release.

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Feb 01, 2018

Spoiler Alert: The Dark Web is Not Totally Anonymous

Naked Security has reported that researchers may be able to reveal those who bought or sold goods on the dark

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Jan 03, 2018

Beware if You Use a Browser-Based Password Manager

Another reason NOT to use the built-in password manager feature of your browser. Security researchers from Princeton's Center for Information

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Jan 02, 2018

Spy vs. Spy – The War of the Ad Blockers

The good guys are up, the good guys are down. That's the general mood of where websites stand on the

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Dec 11, 2017

Tons of Updates in the New Chrome Release

Google has released a new version of Chrome. Chrome 63 has a lot of under-the-hood features with some speed improvements

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Nov 21, 2017

Firefox Update Challenges Chrome

Mozilla has released a new version of Firefox that is twice as fast as the previous version and 30% lighter

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