
Legal Talk Network Posts New Digital Detectives Podcast

July 30, 2015

John+and+Sharon+Digital+DetectivesOn this episode of Digital Detectives, Sharon Nelson and John Simek interview Judge Facciola about why lawyers need to learn about e-discovery now, how we can integrate e-discovery training into law schools and ongoing legal education, and the importance of law firms investing in professional development and creativity.

Topics Include:

  • Embracing the future of legal technology to avoid falling behind
  • Clinicians, physicians, coders, and health records
  • Craig Ball and the the Electronic Discovery Training Academy
  • Discrete e-discovery courses, topic integration, or a bootcamp
  • Using wit and humor as a judge
  • Keeping up with the people you represent culturally and technologically
  • Creative financial models and being proactive in litigation
  • Cooperation and transparency in e-discovery

Listen to the podcast here.