
Legal Talk Network Posts New Digital Detectives Podcast – Digital Dilemma: Your IoT Device May Be Testifying Against You

July 30, 2019

It’s been estimated that about 8 billion “things” are connected to the Internet, and that the number of connected “things” could exceed 20 billion by the end of 2020. In this episode of Digital Detectives, Sharon Nelson and John Simek are joined by Gail Gottehrer to explore the scope of the Internet of Things. It is critical to understand what data these devices collect, the privacy and security issues associated with them, and how IoT data can be, and has been, used as evidence in court. They also discuss recent legislative efforts to regulate the IoT at the state and federal level and the litigation that may result from them.

Gail Gottehrer is the founder of the Law Office of Gail Gottehrer LLC in Stamford, CT. Her practice focuses on emerging technologies as well as the digital security laws and ethical issues arising from them.

Listen to the podcast here.