
Legal Talk Network Posts New Digital Edge Podcast

September 29, 2015

new+digital+edge+200In this episode of The Digital Edge, Sharon Nelson and Jim Calloway interview John Iezzi, author of “Results-Oriented Financial Management: A Step-by-Step Guide to Law Firm Profitability,” which is a book about compensation issues in small and mid-sized firms, what successful financial management looks like, and changes small firm lawyers need to make.

Topics include:

  • 3 editions of Iezzi’s book
  • How lawyers and non-attorney law firm managers can benefit
  • Client-based practice versus case-based practice
  • Compensation as a relationship issue, not a dollars issue
  • Finders, minders, and grinders in a firm
  • Why owners need to understand financial management
  • Implement the changes or waste time and money
  • Charging fixed fees to increase profitability

Listen to the podcast here.