
Legal Talk Network Posts New Digital Edge Podcast

April 6, 2016

new+digital+edge+200In this episode of The Digital Edge, Sharon Nelson and Jim Calloway interview Ed Walters about the case, why he thinks keeping public law in the public domain is so important, and the history of law citations, annotations, and publication.

Topics include:

  • The verbiage in Casemaker’s takedown notice to Fastcase
  • Contracts with the Secretary of State of Georgia and other states
  • The importance of having a federal court declare that private publishers can’t own the law
  • The history of laws published with citations, annotations, or editorial enhancements
  • How the digitalization of laws has changed the publishing landscape
  • What happens when a state designates a version of the code as official (even if it was published by a private company like LexisNexis)
  • What will happen next with the Casemaker/Fastcase lawsuit

Listen to the podcast here.