
Legal Talk Network Posts New Digital Detectives Podcast

June 25, 2015

John+and+Sharon+Digital+DetectivesIn this episode of Digital Detectives, Sharon Nelson and John Simek interview Nathaniel Russell about his definition of Lawmageddon, what the legal profession needs to embrace these changes, and the consequences lawyers face if they fail the tests of Lawmageddon. In the second half of the podcast, Russell discusses what can happen if lawyers ignore the presence of social media as evidence and the ethical responsibility all lawyers have to their clients with regard to social media and due diligence.

Topics include:

  • The difference between legal market change, anxiety or panic, and Lawmaggeddon
  • How lawyers do or don’t securely store their files and communicate
  • The psychology of plodding lawyers
  • How a cataclysmic event might be required for true change
  • The lack of collusion in different jurisdictions
  • Ethical and legal standards for practice in social media
  • The fun case of Beattie v. Beattie
  • Useful social media evidence tools

Listen to the podcast here.