Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

May 20, 2013

How Digital Forensics Aids In the Investigation of Employee Data Theft

Law.com published an article last week entitled "Using Computer Forensics to Investigate IP Theft." I read it with great interest

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May 16, 2013

EDRM'S Enron PST Data Set Cleansed of Personal Information

Yesterday, I received a press release from Nuix (and a similar release was sent out by EDRM) saying that Nuix

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May 15, 2013

Logik Offers Innovative Cloud E-Discovery Pricing

One thing I've always admired Logik for is its creativity. On May 13th, Logik announced a new Logikcull.com subscription service

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May 14, 2013

Justice Department Spied on AP Reporters' Phone Calls

This certainly was a potboiler story on all the networks and throughout the Internet yesterday. Though the dust is settling

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May 13, 2013

Apple Has a Waiting List for Police Requesting Decryption of iPhones

CNET reported on Friday that Apple receives so many police demands to decrypt seized iPhones that it has created a

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May 08, 2013

FBI Agent Shoots Wife, Calls 911: Authorities Respond 2000 Miles Away

Our electronic world causes all kinds of mishaps. You may have read a story about the FBI agent in Virginia

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May 07, 2013

Amazon Web Services Takes Down Enron Email Data Set

If you've been watching the last two RTL posts, you are aware of the personally identifiable information (PII) that is

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May 06, 2013

Roundup of Thoughts on the Enron Data Set PII

There was a lot of discussion, private and public, after I covered last week's announcement by BeyondRecognition's CEO John Martin that

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May 02, 2013

Wow. EDRM/FERC/Enron Data Privacy Breaches

It is a startling revelation when you learn that a dataset that has been public for years and contains over

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May 01, 2013

Guilty Plea in Pittsburgh Law Firm Breach

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported on April 29th that Matthew James West, 21, had pled guilty to helping Alyson Cunningham and

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Apr 30, 2013

State-sponsored Cyberattacks Ramping Up (Verizon Data Breach Report)

Sadly, it comes as no surprise that state-sponsored cyberattacks are on the rise and now constitute 19% of cyberattacks. Verizon's

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Apr 29, 2013

Digital Detectives Podcast Released: Scary Tech from ABA TECHSHOW

Legal Talk Network has released our latest edition of Digital Detectives, highlighting the scary technology we saw and talked about

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