Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Apr 03, 2013

Security Reporter Victim of Phone "Swatting" – SWAT Team Descends on Home

Hat tip to Dave Ries. ars technica recently reported on a chilling incident that happened in Northern Virginia. Brian Krebs

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Apr 02, 2013

Law Firms Tout Their Cybersecurity Expertise

An interesting trend is developing. Some corporate clients are hiring law firms when they experience a data breach, as noted

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Apr 01, 2013

ABA TECHSHOW: Where to Find Us

The problem with TECHSHOW is that it is a whirl of activity which always seems to be over right after

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Mar 29, 2013

1st Stage Play in Tysons Corner Examines the Leopold and Loeb Trial

Let's go back to a time before we were all immersed in electronics. A well-known lawyer and former judge both

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Mar 28, 2013

Logikcull: Booth #808 at TECHSHOW: EDD People and a Product You'll Like

We like the folks at Logik – and we love their Logikcull product. Can you review documents on your iPad?

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Mar 27, 2013

Texas Proposes Bill to Allow Service of Process Via Social Media

Texas House Bill 1989, introduced on February 27, 2013, would allow service of process via social media. If enacted, Texas

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Mar 26, 2013

Reed Tech – Booth 503 at ABA TECHSHOW – Come See SM@RT!

We are delighted that our friends from Reed Technology will be exhibiting at ABA TECHSHOW April 4-6 at Booth 503.

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Mar 25, 2013

EDD Vendors Identify Their Predictive Coding Abilities

Last month, Orange Legal Technologies asked vendors, in a one-question survey, what predictive coding technologies they used in their e-discovery

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Mar 21, 2013

Federal Judge Rules That National Security Letters are Unconstitutional

Hat tip to John Riley for sending me a press report about tU.S. District Judge Susan Illston, who recently ruled

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Mar 19, 2013

Teaching Legal Tech to Law Students Via Video Skype

Last week, we had the pleasure of offering a kind of Legal Tech Boot Camp to law students at the

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Mar 18, 2013

Department of Defense Forms 13 Offensive Cyberattack Teams

It's not like we couldn't figure out that this was happening, but for the first time the Department of Defense

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Mar 14, 2013

U.S. Gets Tough About Cyberattacks and Calls Out China by Name

As the New York Times reported, President Obama's national security adviser became the first White House official to enter into

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