Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Jan 22, 2013

Why Are Some States Reluctant to Adopt E-Discovery Rules?

I was asked this question on Twitter by @ESIdatabase (Alejandro Mercado) of Electronic Resource Database. He counted 10 states without

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Jan 17, 2013

SBA: Securing Your Small Business Data

I don't normally think of the SBA as a source of useful information, but colleague Alan Goldberg passed along a

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Jan 16, 2013

Top E-Discovery Cases in 2012

Do you find it hard to keep up with e-discovery case law? I know I do. So I salute the

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Jan 15, 2013

Law Firm's Trust Account Hacked: More Than Six Figures Taken

Hat to tip to colleague and friend Dan Pinnington for sharing a story about a Toronto-area law firm that had a

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Jan 10, 2013

How Big is Big Data?

I really enjoyed the article "Defending Big Data" in Law Technology News by Editor-in-Chief Monica Bay. Pithy as always, Monica includes a

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Jan 09, 2013

The 2013 Solo and Small Firm Legal Techology Guide is Out!

With the recent publication of The 2013 Solo and Small firm Legal Technology Guide by the American Bar Association, I have now

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Jan 08, 2013

FCC Publishes 10-Step Guide for Securing Smartphones

Since I spend a fair amount of time beating on the government, it is a pleasure to applaud the Federal

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Jan 07, 2013

Congress Approves Five More Years of Warrantless Wiretaps

I have always held the view that a lot of sneaky stuff happens during the last two weeks of December

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Jan 03, 2013

How Cell Phone Triangulation Works

Ever wonder how law enforcement knows where someone is without having access to surveillance video? More than likely, they are

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Jan 02, 2013

'Twas the Season – of Mobile Devices

While John and I often lecture on information security in general, we've been struck by how often we are now

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Dec 20, 2012

Feds Can Keep Data of Innocent Citizens for Five Years

Slate recently reported (the original source was the Wall St. Journal) on a relatively new and very wide-ranging surveillance operation.

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Dec 19, 2012

Instagram Announces It Can Sell Your Photographs – and You Can't Opt Out!

For those who chant "Facebook is evil" like a mantra, their chant seems supported by Instagram's recent announcement, as reported on CNET, that

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