Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Nov 07, 2012

Pentagon Opens its Market to Androids, iPhones and iPads

There was a time when RIM owned the federal marketplace. No more. The Defense Department has announced that it will hire

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Nov 06, 2012

South Carolina's Massive Data Breach – "Encryption is Complicated"

More than 75% of South Carolina’s residents had their social security, credit card numbers and other personally identifiable information breached.

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Nov 05, 2012

IRS Fails to Patch Systems – An Open Invitation to Hackers

Last Thursday, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration released a September 25th report which warns that thousands of IRS computers could

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Nov 01, 2012

Secretary Panetta Warns of a "Cyber-Pearl Harbor"

First, a shout out to my friend Ben Kerschberg for making sure I finally got around to covering this story.

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Oct 31, 2012

First Steps for a Secure Cloud

I am pleased to welcome a guest post from Chris Richter, vice president of security products and services at Savvis,

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Oct 29, 2012

WordRake: Make Your Writing Better!

I take leave of my customary topics today to sing the praises of WordRake, new (to me) software. Thanks go

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Oct 24, 2012

Should E-Discovery Vendors Sue Their Deadbeat Clients?

You might justifiably wonder what brought that question to mind. I saw a story in yesterday's ABA Journal which highlighted

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Oct 23, 2012

Mastercard and Verizon Acknowledge Selling Customer Data

This guest post is by Samir Mathur, the Managing Director and General Counsel of IT-Lex, a new technology law not-for-profit.

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Oct 18, 2012

Advertisers Say Compliance With 'Do Not Track' is Voluntary

Microsoft builds a 'Do Not Track' feature into its browser and privacy advocates applauded. Their exuberance was short-lived. According to

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Oct 17, 2012

Hackers Post CLE Info from Rutgers, 100 Universities Attacked

There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide from hackers. A group calling itself Team Ghostshell took responsibility for

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Oct 16, 2012

BYON – Bring Your Own Network: A Growing Security Threat

Hat tip to Dave Ries for sending along an article from Computerworld highlighting the dangers of a growing trend – the bring

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Oct 15, 2012

Craig Ball on Special Masters in E-Discovery

John and I were delighted to welcome once again our dear friend Craig Ball on our most recent Digital Detectives podcast

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