Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Sep 18, 2012

Cybercriminals Putting Malware on Computers in Production

It was only a matter of time. Give criminals a vulnerability and they will exploit it. Actually, I am amazed

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Sep 17, 2012

Craig Ball on Special Masters in E-Discovery

We had a splendid time as faculty members at the Intermountain eDiscovery conference last week. Thanks to the folks at Orange

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Sep 13, 2012

Cloud Computing and Datacenter Security

For someone who lectures so often on cloud computing and information security generally, it is pretty amazing that I had

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Sep 12, 2012

Join Us for Forensic Education, Refreshments and Networking on October 3rd

And not just digital forensics, but forensic engineering and forensic accounting. It is a potpourri of all things forensic and

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Sep 11, 2012

ACLU Sues Police for Seizing Phone After Man Records Police Misconduct

I have enormous respect for the work of good police officers who keep us safe and so often put themselves

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Sep 10, 2012

New Federal Jury Instructions on Social Media Include a "Rat Out" Command

In a new set of proposed federal jury instructions issued by a Federal Judicial Conference committee, the screws are tightened

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Sep 10, 2012

Second Edition of iPad in One Hour for Lawyers Released

It seems like only yesterday that Tom Mighell, whom I’m happy to call my friend, released iPad in One Hour

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Sep 06, 2012

How International Law Applies to Cyberwarfare

One day, there may be an app for that, but for the present we have the "Tallin Manual on International

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Sep 05, 2012

Bruce Willis to Take on Apple Over Digital Rights

As we've always said, almost no one reads Apple's (or anyone else's) Terms of Service. Bruce Willis apparently got around

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Sep 04, 2012

ABA Blawg 100 Nominations Due September 7th

First, thanks are in order to all my readers, so many of whom send me kind notes and pass interesting

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Aug 30, 2012

The Best of ILTA From Our Foxhole

John and I really enjoyed speaking at ILTA yesterday – thanks to our friends at Litera, especially Karen and Deepak

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Aug 29, 2012

Ex-NSA Official Says Government Has Intercepted Trillions of Communications

Not that anyone who reads much (a small minority, I know) is surprised but whistleblower William Binney, a former official

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