Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Jul 17, 2012

Facebook Tracking Litigation to be Featured on Digital Detectives

As many readers are no doubt aware, there is a class action lawsuit against Facebook for using browser cookies to

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Jul 16, 2012

Is Your Internet Provider Now Spying on You?

It might be. According to a commentary published by CNN, there is a new alliance among America's biggest ISPs and media

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Jul 12, 2012

Appellate Courts Calls Bank's Security Commercially Unreasonable

A Kaspersky blog post reported that, on July 3rd, the First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a bank's information

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Jul 11, 2012

D.C. Applies the Screws to E-Discovery Vendors

Why is D,C. coming down so hard on e-discovery vendors? You may recall that D.C.'s Committee on the Unauthorized Practice of

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Jul 10, 2012

Cellphone Carriers Had 1.3 Million Law Enforcement Requests in 2011

That's right, 1.3 million requests from law enforcement for information such as text messages and subscriber locations. I thought I

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Jul 09, 2012

SANSFIRE: What Lawyers Need to Know About Computer Forensics

I am delighted to post information about this free presentation on behalf of my friend and colleague Rob Lee: Computer

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Jul 05, 2012

Does International Law Govern Cyberwarfare and Cyberattacks?

That seems a very good question to me and my own answer is – I haven't a clue. I received

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Jul 03, 2012

Apple Pull Virus Immunity Claim But Ballyhoos Its Encryption

OK, before the flash bangs are hurled my way, I love many things about the Apple product line. Apple's products

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Jul 02, 2012

Ex-Law Firm Employee Joins with Anonymous Associate to Hack Into Firm

Hat tip to my favorite father-son cybersecurity duo, Dave and Chris Ries. On June 26, after an FBI investigation, it

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Jul 01, 2012

Special Post: Are you in the Metro D.C. Area and Out of Business?

Two special posts in a row. It has been a curious time. If you have a business in the metro

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Jun 28, 2012

RSA Tokens – Can They Really Be Cracked in 13 Minutes?

Well, that's what one group of computer scientists claim with respect to the RSA SecurID 800. For many years, businesses and the government

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Jun 27, 2012

Facebook Pulls "Stalking App" After One Day

CNN reported earlier this week that Facebook had quietly unveiled what it called a stalking app. The "Find Friends Nearby" app

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