Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Jun 26, 2012

Why Can't Law School Graduates Write?

Ask judges and senior lawyers to identify the most disturbing things about younger lawyers and they will reply in one

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Jun 25, 2012

Will Unmanned Drones Be the Next Threat to Our Privacy?

Last week was "drone" week as many newspapers carried stories about unmanned drones as a potential new threat to our

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Jun 21, 2012

U.S. and Israel Developed Flame Virus to Slow Iranian Nuclear Efforts

The Washington Post reported on Tuesday that it has received confirmation from multiple official sources that the U.S. and Israel collaborated

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Jun 20, 2012

Jason Baron on Computer-Assisted Review – Bravo!

It is always worth listening to my friend Jason Baron, who is well known to anyone in the e-discovery field.

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Jun 19, 2012

Gearing Up for Cyberwarfare: Pentagon Contractors Seeks Black Hat Hackers

Forbes posted a story last Friday (thanks to Dave Ries for forwarding it) that pretty much confirmed two suspicions that many of

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Jun 18, 2012

Da Silva Moore: Judge Peck Denies Plaintiffs' Motion for Recusal

On June 15th, Judge Peck denied the Plaintiffs' motion for his recusal in a 56-page opinion. On the same date,

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Jun 14, 2012

Flame Highlights the Dangers of Cyberwarfare

So now we know that the Stuxnet malware, which the U.S. has admitted involvement with, and the recently revealed Flame are

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Jun 13, 2012

Virginia: Lawyer May Blog About Cases, Must Have Disclaimer

On June 5th, a three judge panel in Virginia ruled that a lawyer did not violate ethical rules when he

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Jun 12, 2012

Can China Shut Down Telecom Equipment the U.S. Bought?

The answer is yes according to intelligence sources who have apparently talked to Business Insider, which published a story on

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Jun 11, 2012

How Do You Archive Your Social Media Activity?

We were actually surprised to hear this question when we lectured last week at the Indiana Bar's Solo and Small

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Jun 07, 2012

Cyberwarfare: FUD is Good

Fear, uncertainty and doubt. FUD is the weapon of choice that critics hurl when you attack one of their gods.

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Jun 06, 2012

Connecting From a Hotel? Got a Pop-up? Be Careful

Last month, the FBI issued a warning about malware which targets travelers abroad trying to connect from their hotel rooms. It warned

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