Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Mar 29, 2012

Is it Legal for Employers to Require Your Facebook Password?

I am fascinated by these muddy waters, because apparently no one has a good answer to this question. It's been

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Mar 28, 2012

Ammo for the E-Discovery Companies Clubbed by the Patent Troll

I received an interesting note from our old friend and colleague Carl Roberts of Ballard Spahr LLP with reference to

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Mar 27, 2012

Lose Your Phone? The Majority of Those Who Find It Will Snoop

Thanks to colleague Sean Harrington for passing the original study to me. What study? The very depressing Symantec Smartphone Honey

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Mar 26, 2012

Patent Troll Clobbers E-Discovery Companies with Lawsuits

I suppose that it was only a matter of time before a patent troll set its sights on e-discovery companies.

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Mar 22, 2012

The Court Filings in Da Silva Moore – in One Place!

I received a wonderful resource link yesterday from my friend and colleague Rob Robinson. He wrote: It's interesting to see all

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Mar 21, 2012

3rd Circuit Slashes E-Discovery Costs That Can Be Recovered

Thanks to colleague and friend Jennifer Ellis for passing along a story (note that premium access is required) that made headlines yesterday.

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Mar 20, 2012

FBI Can't Crack Android's Swipe Lock

Wired.com reported last week that the FBI can't crack the Android's pattern-screen locks. This interesting tidbit came via the revelation

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Mar 19, 2012

How to Find a GPS Tracker in or on Your Car

Have the feeling you're being tracked? A lot of our clients do. Some are paranoid and some are absolutely right.

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Mar 15, 2012

Corcordance Security Vulnerability May Invite Data Breach

Evan Koblentz, who penned a very interesting story for Law Technology News recently, was kind enough to write me with

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Mar 14, 2012

Mobile Cloth: Getting Germs and Fingerprints Off Mobile Devices

Once in a while, you have to share something nifty you've run across. Last month, iPhone J.D. blogger Jeff Richardson

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Mar 13, 2012

Breached Law Firm Apparently Won't Tell Its Clients

This was a disturbing story. If your law firm is breached, you have an ethical duty to tell your clients. You

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Mar 12, 2012

The FBI Nabbed "Sabu" But Did It Use Him to Entrap Other Hackers?

Not long after my last post about how the FBI nabbed "Sabu" who was really Hector Monsegur, reputedly the leader of

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