Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Dec 29, 2011

Pentagon Approves Android Phone for DOD – Still Wary of iPhones

It looks like the Pentagon is moving away from BlackBerrys (duh) and embracing the Android. It was reported that the

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Dec 28, 2011

Jurinnov Debuts Security Spotlight Blog

First, thanks to those who wrote to express their appreciation for last week's list of information security resources. And now,

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Dec 27, 2011

Selling or Giving Away Your Old Cell Phone? Think About Security!

Lee Reiber, Director of Mobile Forensics at AccessData, read an RTL post on mobile phone security and was kind enough

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Dec 22, 2011

Nuix Gifts the E-Discovery World With Proof Finder

Our friend Craig Ball has posted about this before, but I was late to the party (as usual) and didn’t

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Dec 20, 2011

Making E-Discovery Costs More Transparent and Predictable

Sensei Enterprises is certainly not alone in the world of e-discovery trying to make its pricing more transparent and predictable.

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Dec 19, 2011

Information Security Resources From Sensei and RTL Readers

I know, I know, I'm late in getting to this. I blame the American Bar Association for having two book

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Dec 15, 2011

Jason Baron Leads eDiscovery Daily Blog's Holiday Thought Leader Series

We've been interviewed by Jason Krause many times and were delighted to see that he is doing a Holiday Thought Leader

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Dec 13, 2011

Protecting the Crown Jewels: Your Data

John and I are teaching an information security seminar for ALI-ABA on December 15th from 1-2:30 p.m. Eastern time. Though

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Dec 12, 2011

Does a PIN Prevent Someone From Accessing Your Phone's Data?

We read with interest a post answering that question by the folks at viaForensics. This is certainly a question we are frequently

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Dec 08, 2011

Reed Technology Launches Web Preserver

A couple of days ago, our friends at Reed Technology (part of LexisNexis), announced the launch of Web Preserver, Now

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Dec 07, 2011

A New Objective Electronic Discovery Resource

Our friends at Orange Legal Technologies have once again made a nice contribution to the e-discovery arena. With the many

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Dec 06, 2011

ABA Names Ride the Lightning to its Blawg 100

I don't toot my own horn often, but it really is an honor for Ride the Lightning to be included in

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