Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Sep 29, 2011

Trial Presentation of E-Evidence Using Interactive Whiteboards

Our most recent Digital Detectives podcast from Legal Talk Network includes an interview with Judy Miller, the President SmartCourt Consulting

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Sep 28, 2011

E-Discovery Extortion

In response to my last post about Ralph Losey's keynote thoughts in Salt Lake City, I received a thoughtful comment

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Sep 26, 2011

Ralph Losey on the Evolving World of E-Discovery

It was our pleasure last week to attend the Intermountain E-Discovery Conference 2011 and to offer the afternoon keynote. Thanks

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Sep 21, 2011

More on the Prevention of E-mail Imprudence

Another note from the mailbag from attorney Casey Horne in response to my recent post about the effect that e-mail

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Sep 20, 2011

Nextpoint's Cloud Preservation: Preserving Social Media

Last week, we were treated to a demo of Nextpoint's Cloud Preservation software which is an excellent tool for preserving

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Sep 16, 2011

E-mail and the Lack of Civility Among Lawyers

Colleague Fred Kruck sent me the following e-mail in response to my last post about warring lawyers who need remedial

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Sep 13, 2011

Kindergarten Parties in Civility Needed for Warring Lawyers?

Recently, a couple of judges have provided entertaining fodder for the legal press. A federal judge in Austin ordered squabbling

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Aug 31, 2011

The Average Cost of a Cyberattack: $416,000

HP recently released the results of a new report from a study conducted by the Ponemon Institute. Of particular note to

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Aug 23, 2011

Another Favorite Resource: Bow Tie Law Blog

Readers have written to ask for more of my favorite resources – happy to oblige. The Bow Tie Law Blog

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Aug 18, 2011

A Favorite Resource: Unfiltered Orange Weekly eDiscovery News Updates

Audiences are always asking me about my favorite e-discovery resources. As you can imagine, I rely on a number of

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Aug 16, 2011

Mailbag: E-Discovery Education for Lawyers

Last week's blog post about educating solo and small firm lawyers about e-discovery drew a couple of thoughtful responses. One

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Aug 10, 2011

ABA Releases "Managing E-Discovery and ESI" – An Excellent Resource

I was recently honored to get an advance copy of Managing E-Discovery and ESI, a wonderful new sourcebook from the

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