Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Jun 13, 2011

Recommind Does Have a Predictive Coding Patent, But for How Long?

Recommind has done a really good job painting a bullseye on its corporate chest. First, it wrote a press release

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Jun 03, 2011

New Online Learning on E-Discovery Released

Guest Post by Jeffrey Ritter, Founder and CEO, The Ritter Academy Since Sharon Nelson praised my first book on electronic discovery

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Jun 02, 2011

Interested in Sponsoring Our "Digital Detectives" Podcast on Legal Talk Network?

For the past year, John and I have hosted the Digital Detectives podcast on Legal Talk Network. We discuss computer forensics,

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May 26, 2011

Digital Detectives Podcast: The Meet and Confer – Getting it Right

Legal Talk Network has released the latest edition of Sensei's Digital Detectives podcast, entitled "The Meet and Confer: Getting it

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May 23, 2011

Did King & Spalding Suffer a Data Breach?

In the recent HBGary data breach, tens of thousands of HBGary e-mails were leaked by Anonymous and are posted online. When

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May 19, 2011

Ten Ways General Counsel Can Avoid the Cover of the Wall Street Journal

Thanks to Rich Hall of Bridgeway Software for providing this informative guest post: Ask anyone following the eDiscovery space and

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May 17, 2011

Litigation Paralegal, LLC Applauds Digital WarRoom Pro

Keith Slyter of Litigation Paralegals, LLC wrote me recently, strongly endorsing Digital WarRoom Pro as having met the Ernie Challenge

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May 12, 2011

The Future of the Legal Profession: Technology

On April 2, 2011, the New York State Bar Association released the "Report of the Task Force on the Future

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May 10, 2011

Will the Feds Break Osama bin Laden's Encryption?

Maybe, maybe not. First, they will try to figure out what was used to encrypt. That will narrow the possibilities

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May 05, 2011

EDna, Meet Ernie: Tom O'Connor Posts a New EDD Challenge

My friend and EDD colleague Tom O'Connor read my recent blog post about Craig Ball's EDna challenge and let me

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May 04, 2011

What Are the Skeletons in Your ESI Closet?

Guest post by Jim McGann, VP of Information Discovery at Index Engines Law firms and corporations alike tend to keep data

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May 02, 2011

More on Craig Ball's EDna Challege

I had a delightful conversation with Megan Miller of GGO about its Digital WarRoom product at ABA TECHSHOW. I've discussed

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