Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Apr 28, 2011

Ten Favorite iPad Apps From Finis Price

With profound thanks to colleague and fellow ABA TECHSHOW speaker Finis Price, here is his list of Top Ten iPad

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Apr 27, 2011

Digital Detectives Interview with Josh Gilliland Released

Legal Talk Network has released the latest edition of our Digital Detectives podcast, this one featuring an interview with California

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Apr 21, 2011

How Do You Confont Your Accuser When Your Accuser is Software?

Bruce Schneier, in his excellent Schneier on Secuity blog, recently had a post that fundamentally asks how you can exercise

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Apr 18, 2011

The Deponent for the Apple iPad Released

I had a nice note from colleague Joshua Gilliland letting me know that Majority Opinion LLC  (Josh is the President)

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Apr 14, 2011


We have just bidden a fond farewell to ABA TECHSHOW – the time flies during this conference and we are

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Apr 08, 2011

Do You Have Question for the E-Discovery Experts at ABA TECHSHOW?

As John and I are scrambling to get ready to speak at ABA TECHSHOW next week, we thought about asking

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Apr 04, 2011

How Can a Law Firm Touting E-Discovery Expertise Screw Up a Litigation Hold?

Thanks to colleague Jason Shinn for passing along an instructive story and a link to his blog post discussing it.

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Mar 25, 2011

The Deplorable State of Law Firm Security

In our most recent Digital Detectives podcast for Legal Talk Network, John and I were happy to welcome Rob Lee,

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Mar 21, 2011

Virginia Law Signed Exempting Computer Forensics from Private Investigator Licensing

John and I were behind the initiative to draft a bill exempting computer forensics from private investigator licensing in Virginia. The

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Mar 07, 2011

Armies of Document Review Lawyers to be Replaced by Software?

In a nutshell, yes. That's what the New York Times concluded in a recent article, and I think most experts

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Mar 04, 2011


As readers of this blog know, John and I have been fortunate enough to speak at ABA TECHSHOW for many

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Feb 22, 2011

Chinese Hackers Break into Oil Company Networks

You could follow the words "Chinese hackers break into" with almost anything – government agencies, the military, corporations, law firms,

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