Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Feb 17, 2011

Juror Study Shows More of a "BlackBerry Effect" Than a "CSI Effect"

NPR recently reported on a study done by Michigan Judge Donald Shelton, which focused on people called for jury duty.

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Feb 09, 2011

Digital Detectives Podcast: Expert Witnesses in E-Discovery

On our latest Digital Detectives podcast from Legal Talk Network, John and I discuss the use of expert witnesses in

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Feb 08, 2011

U.K. High Court Allows Tweeting

The Daily Mail online reported last week that the U.K.'s Supreme Court will allow tweeting from hearings. The court explained

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Feb 03, 2011

Summary of the Judge's Guide to Cost-Effective E-Discovery

Joe Howie has posted a summary of the vendor-neutral Judge's Guide to Cost-Effective E-Discovery recently published by the eDiscovery Institute.

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Feb 02, 2011

Screencast Tool to Preserve Cyber Investigation Evidence

Ben Wright has an interesting post on the SANS blog about using a screencast tool to preserve cyber investigation evidence.

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Jan 26, 2011

Mythbuster: Yes, One Pass Wiping Will Suffice

If I had a dollar for every time someone insisted that more than a single wipe is necessary to wipe

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Jan 20, 2011


As readers know, John and I are devoted to ABA TECHSHOW, unsurprising since we've both served on the Advisory Board

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Jan 11, 2011

Technolawyer Debuts LitigationWorld Newsletter

Yesterday, Technology debuted LitigationWorld, a free weekly e-mail newsletter. The newsletter launched with about 7,500 subscribers — mostly litigators but

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Jan 07, 2011

California Supreme Court OKs Warrantless Search of Arrestee's Cell Phone

On January 3rd, the California Supreme Court signed off on a warrantless search of a cell phone belonging to Gregory

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Dec 29, 2010

Yes, E-mail Snooping on a Spouse is Usually a Crime

Lots of folks sent me links yesterday to a story out of Michigan where Leon Walker is facing charges of

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Dec 16, 2010

Ohio Judges Permitted to Have Facebook Friends

The Ohio Supreme Court's Board of Commissioners on Grievances and Discipline recently published an opinion stating that judges may have

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Dec 14, 2010

Google and Social Media Playing Havoc With Juries

A recent Reuters Legal analysis of juror misconduct involving Google and social media is alarming, to say the least. Since

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