Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Dec 09, 2010

WikiLeaks: How Bad is U.S. Cybersecurity? (Bad – Really, Really Bad)

Let me answer my question this way. In a cyberwar between China and the U.S., my money is on the

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Dec 07, 2010

E-Discovery Sanctions at an All Time High

Hat tip to friend and colleage Dave Ries for sending this along. The eDiscovery Daily Blog recently reported that sanctions

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Dec 03, 2010

Expert Draft Reports Now Generally Excluded Under Rule 26

Effective December 1, 2010, Rule 26 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure has some substantial changes, notably (this is

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Dec 02, 2010

Keeping 'Em Honest: Mobile Phone Apps and Security

The crew at viaForensics is doing a good Anderson Cooper style job of "keeping 'em honest." Mobile apps are coming out

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Dec 01, 2010

Reed Tech Web Archiving Services Powered by Iterasi

I was pleased to see yesterday that Reed Technology and Information Services, a member of the LexisNexis® Group,announced the introduction

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Nov 30, 2010

Ride the Lightning Named to ABA Journal's Blawg 100

It's hard not to be pleased that Ride the Lightning was named as one of the ABA Journal's Blawg 100,

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Nov 23, 2010

CIOS See Smartphones as Data Breach Time Bombs

Information Week reported this week on a recent study showing that 8 out of 10 CIOs think that using smartphones

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Nov 18, 2010

Dishing the Digital Dirt on Cops

More than one third of police agencies now review applicants’ social media activity during background checks according to the first

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Nov 17, 2010

Free Codes for iJuror and iCLE

Scott Falbo, who developed the iJuror app for the iPad, was kind enough to write yesterday after listening to my

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Nov 16, 2010

Updated iPhone Forensics White Paper Released

I was pleased to hear yesterday from friend and colleague Andrew Hoog, the Chief Investigative Officer for viaForensics. He tells

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Nov 11, 2010

Wikileaks: Inside the World's Most Secure Data Center

Wikileaks, while controversial, has carved quite a niche for itself as a whistleblower, continually proving what we all know –

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Nov 10, 2010

BlackSheep Sniffs Out Firesheep, Reveals Snooping

Monday's post on the new Firesheep snooping software stirred up a lot of dust – apparently its availability was not

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