Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Nov 08, 2010

Firesheep: A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing – Beware!

Threats to our privacy just keep on coming . . . the latest security demon is Firesheep, released last month

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Nov 04, 2010

Florida Issues New Jury Instructions: No Tweeting, Blogging, Net Research, etc.

Florida Supreme Court has recently adopted new jury instructions. Note the specificity of the language below:  During deliberations, jurors must communicate about

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Nov 03, 2010

FBI Makes Bust in Chilling Los Angeles Sextortion Case

The FBI has just updated its site to include a story about a chilling case in Los Angeles involving the "sextortion"

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Oct 27, 2010

Courtroom Technology Tips From a Tech-Savvy Judge

One of my favorite things is being on a CLE faculty with a great judge. Fairfax County's Chief Circuit Court Judge Dennis

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Oct 21, 2010

Unauthorized Practice of Law Evidence Captured on Facebook

Hat tip to the Virginia State Bar's Jim McCauley for sending me this story. As Chair of the VSB's Unauthorized

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Oct 20, 2010

Sensei Seminars in D.C. and Northern Virginia

From time to time, readers ask me to let them know when we're speaking in the D.C. area. We are

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Oct 15, 2010

Fullbright's 7th Annual Litigation Trends Survey

OK, as a marketer I chuckled to see this subject line on an e-mail I received on Monday: "EMBARGOED UNTIL

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Oct 12, 2010

Predictive Coding: Will it Gain Widespread Acceptance?

Thanks to Joe Howie for sending me his recent article with Anne Kershaw from Law Technology News on predictive coding.

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Oct 08, 2010

District Attorney Sexts Domestic Abuse Victim: "I am the Prize"

 Calumet County District Attorney Kenneth Kratz sent 30 texts to a domestic abuse victim. His charming missives (now a classic

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Oct 06, 2010

U.K. Law Firm is Hacked, E-mail Exposed, May Face Data Breach Fines

Should I get a Lamborghini or a Ferrari? Yes, this is the sort of question that we all ponder (hah!).

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Oct 01, 2010

From Across the Pond: Hanzo and Website/Social Media Archiving for Compliance and E-Discovery

Many thanks to Mark Middleton, one of Hanzo's founders and its CEO, for taking John and I on a test

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Sep 28, 2010

Recap: The Second Intermountain eDiscovery Conference 2010

John and I have just returned from lecturing at the Second Intermountain eDiscovery Conference 2010 in Salt Lake City. Many thanks

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