Ride the Lightning

Cybersecurity and Future of Law Practice Blog
by Sharon D. Nelson Esq., President of Sensei Enterprises, Inc.

Recent Posts

Jun 23, 2010

Social Media at Coca-Cola and Sprint

We enjoyed our recent trip to New York City (too many gerbils in that cage) where we attended ALM's General Counsel Conference.

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Jun 17, 2010

Computer Forensics and Personal Computers in Business Cases

I am a long time fan of Bow Tie Law's Blog, but I especially enjoyed a recent post discussing Genworth Fin.

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Jun 07, 2010

Social Media Archiving

I heard from another reader, Jim Halberg, an engineer with Nextpoint.com, who wrote in part as follows: Nextpoint, whom I

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Jun 04, 2010

Sensei Enterprises Partners with Applied Discovery to Offer Social Media Consulting Services

It is fairly rare for me to use this blog to toot our own horn, but I will make an exception

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Jun 01, 2010

Readers Comment: The Defensible Collection of Social Media Data in E-Discovery

After a hiatus in New Hampshire, I've gone through the virtual mailbox and assembled some of the responses to my

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May 18, 2010

Readers Incensed by "Pay to Play" Conference Speaking Slots

My Inbox overfloweth. I owe you all a compilation of the responses to my query about harvesting social media data

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May 13, 2010

How Good is an E-Discovery Conference That Allows Paid Speaker Slots?

I should probably have subtitled this "Sharon's Rant." Today, yet again, I received an e-mail from a major e-discovery conference organizer

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May 11, 2010

Times Square Bombing Highlights Limitations of Federal Data Mining

With all the data mining the federal government does, a lot of folks have wondered why it didn't (apparently) have

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May 07, 2010

Taking ESI to Court on a Kindle? Now You Can Secure the Data

Amazon will not be rolling out its Kindle 2.5 update until later this month, but for security mavens, the news

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May 05, 2010

Do You Have E-Discovery Forms You'd Like to Share?

As many of you know, I am a co-author of one of the American Bar Association's best selling books on EDD, The

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Apr 29, 2010

The Defensible Collection of Social Media Data in Electronic Discovery

Four hours on a plane gives me a lot of time to catch up on my reading. Of course, I

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Apr 27, 2010

More on Copier Security and the Wisdom of Secure Implementations

My mailbag included a note from Steve Irons, the President of DocSolid, responding to last week's post on the perils

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